
University of Missouri (USA) Vice Chancellor for Research Issues Strong One Health Endorsement


Robert V. Duncan, PhD, Vice Chancellor for research at the University of Missouri in Columbia, MO (USA) issued the following One Health endorsement to the One Health Initiative website on Tuesday February 8, 2011.  Dr. Duncan is also a professor of Physics at the University.


“The University of Missouri (MU) is fortunate to have a very strong program in One Health, with many of our leading physicians and veterinarians working closely together in the development of new approaches to cancer research, innovative new approaches to orthopedic medicine, and efforts to detect and respond to new disease threats, to name just a few.  Our complement of interdisciplinary centers, such as our Research Reactor, which produces more radioisotopes for medicine than any other reactor in the United States, to forefront research in in-vivo visualization and characterization of microcirculation, to our forefront role in the development of numerous transgenic animal models for medical studies that provide a national resource, MU is dedicated and capitalized to support One Health as a leader in all aspects of this discipline.”