
Upcoming Continuing Education One Health Illinois Summit (USA) - August 19, 2015

3505 Veterinary Medicine Basic Sciences Building, MC-002
2001 S. Lincoln Ave.
Urbana, IL 61802
P: (217) 333-2907
F: (217) 333-4628

Allan J. Paul, DVM, MS Associate Dean for Public Engagement -

 “The purpose of the third One Health Illinois Summit is to update, through a series of presentations and discussion, the current health of Illinois human, animal and ecosystem communities; efforts to develop an integrated health surveillance system; current and recent One Health research projects; trends regarding zoonotic and infectious diseases; and current and potential health policy initiatives. As with the original One Health Summit in 2010, presentations will be summarized and an action plan for identified issues will be developed.”

Please see more at:

Also, see Center for One Health Illinois; JA Herrmann DVM, MPH, DACT Director, DVM-MPH Program Clinical Associate Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine1008 West Hazelwood Drive, MC 004 Urbana, IL 61802P: 217-265-6585:


Note: Dr. Herrmann is a longstanding One Health supporter