
Updated One Health Article Appears in International Innovation Magazine: Research Media Ltd. - "Ground Breaking" Health Care: Issue 10


The One Health Initiative team of Laura H. Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP, Bruce Kaplan, DVM, Thomas P. Monath, MD, and Jack Woodall, PhD were interviewed about the international status of One Health in the International Innovation magazine published June 2011.


Please see accompanying PDF and see link below ...


Note: The entire magazine and complete One Health article (Pages 52 - 54) may also be viewed via the following link:


The One Health concept was elucidated in an initial Question and Answer to Dr. Laura Kahn in the June 2010 issue of the magazine.  Since then, Dr. Kahn’s interview has been widely distributed online and via numerous hard copies of the magazine publication. 


 Please register on the Research Media website to gain full access to the entire publication, this is free and quick with your registration being approved within 24 hours.

 International Innovation is the leading global dissemination resource for the wider scientific, technology and research communities. Produced under four titles, each title serves a key scientific area that is of particular relevance in today’s global environment.”

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