
by *Richard Seifman – Board Member, United Nations Association-National Capital Area  September 23, 2021  ImpactPolitics & Foreign AffairsUnited Nations

  • Public Advocacy: 

” … For many years, an impending UN General Assembly that always happens in September, galvanizes international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to accelerate advocacy and action. Many prepare special documents explicitly for framing the global issues for future speakers, debates, and the discussion to come.

One such NGO is the Stimson Center which produced “Building Back Together Greener: Twenty Initiatives for a Just, Healthy, and Sustainable Global Recovery.”  While the title focuses on climate change concerns, the proposed initiatives run the gamut from **Adopting a new global digit deal to Zoonotics, which is part of the human/animal/ecosystem interface, in other words, One Health …”


Member, One Health Initiative Autonomous pro bono Team’s Advisory Board

** See Section 5 and paragraph 11 in the Executive Summary for the explicit One Health recommendation and go to page 46 and paragraph 5.1 for more detail.