The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
June 02, 2015
White House Forum on Antibiotic Stewardship
The White House is convening the Forum on Antibiotic Stewardship on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 to bring together key human and animal health constituencies involved in the development, promotion, and implementation of activities to improve antibiotic use (antibiotic stewardship) nationwide.
The United States government departments and agencies, along with key human and animal health stakeholders, are committing to implement changes over the next five years to a create meaningful impact on antibiotic stewardship, slow the emergence of resistant bacteria, and prevent the spread of resistant infections.
The goal of the Forum is to exchange ideas on ways public and private sector stakeholders can collaborate to improve responsible antibiotic use and to discuss opportunities for further improvement.
See more:
CDC’s Dr. Frieden: Preserving the Blessings of Antibiotics
More Than 150 Animal and Health Stakeholders Join White House Effort to Combat Antibiotic Resistance
CDC: Federal Engagement in Antimicrobial Resistance
FACT SHEET: Over 150 Animal and Health Stakeholders Join White House Effort to Combat Antibiotic Resistance
“As part of the continued effort to combat antibiotic resistance, today the Obama Administration is convening a “White House Forum on Antibiotic Stewardship” to bring together key human and animal health constituencies involved in antibiotic stewardship—the development, promotion, and implementation of activities to ensure the responsible use of antibiotics. As part of the event, more than 150 food companies, retailers, and human and animal health stakeholders will highlight commitments to implement changes over the next five years to slow the emergence of resistant bacteria and prevent the spread of resistant infections. ...”
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