
World Veterinary Association (WVA) One Health Section Now Available on Home Page Tab


January 3, 2012---The One Health Initiative team is proud to announce that through our longstanding liaison with the World Veterinary Association’s Contents Manager Jim Edwards, ONZM, BVSc, MRCVS, Dip.Bus.Studs and a past President of WVA, we have added a Tab to this One Health Initiative website’s Home Page.  This allows our readers immediate contact with the WVA’s One Health section:


We consider this site one of the finest comprehensive accumulations of important, up-to-date One Health News items worldwide.  In addition, Dr. Edwards is a highly valued One Health collaborator, supporter and advocate.


Laura H. Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP – Bruce Kaplan, DVM – Thomas P. Monath, MD – Jack Woodall, PhD