One Health News

Prominent Physician One Health Supporter Dies

October 16, 2008

As an alum of the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, I am deeply saddened by the passing of Dean Emeritus Allan Rosenfield, MD.  Dean Rosenfield passed away on Sunday, October 12th after courageously battling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) for several years. He was a leading advocate for women’s health and was a supporter…

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Indian Veterinary Public Health Association Endorses One Health Initiative

October 13, 2008

October 12, 2012   Indian Veterinary Public Health Association Announces Endorsement [Support] of the One Health Initiative   Dr. P. V. Ramchandra Rao, President of the Indian Veterinary Public Health Association notified us today that the association supports the One Health Initiative.   Dr. P.V. Ramchandra Rao, President Indian Veterinary Public Health Association #313, Maheswari…

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CDC Signs North American Rabies Management Plan

October 8, 2008 CDC Signs North American Rabies Management Plan Published: October 8, 2008 CDC Director, Julie Gerberding, M.d. MPH and Mrs. Cindy Smith, USDA APHIS Administrator, along with Mexican and Canadian authorities signed the first North American Rabies Management Plan. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant…

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New One Health Website launched

September 30, 2008

“May there never develop in me the notion that my education is complete but give me the strength and leisure and zeal continually to enlarge my knowledge.”– Maimonides – The pro bono “One Health” team of Laura H. Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP, Bruce Kaplan, DVM, and Thomas P. Monath, MD announces that an autonomous free…

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September 30, 2008 “One Health” article submissions are welcomed and being accepted now. Anyone wishing to submit an article is encouraged to do so keeping the length to approximately 400 to 1000 words. If a piece has four references or less, they will appear in the main body of the newsletter directly following the article. If more…

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World Rabies Day Events held September 28, 2008

September 28, 2008

World Rabies Day—September 28, 2008-The Spirit of One Health In Action- The One Health Kahn-Kaplan-Monath team encouraged “The mission of World Rabies Day is to raise awareness about the impact of human and animal rabies, how easy it is to prevent it, and how to eliminate the main global sources. ……. The tools and technology…

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